8-5-14 LuLu - dog with herniated disc
Lulu - rescued from a brutal life on the streets of Chile, hit by a car and suffering from mange and malnutrition – I brought Lulu to the USA to have a better life. Lulu has blossomed into a beautiful dog over the last 8 months, but now is in extreme pain from a herniated disc. She needs surgery. I have exhausted all my funds and am at the mercy of others to help me with this. Please read her story below and see her photos. From a dog with nothing to live for, she now has everything to live for – but I need your help to make it so. Thank you - Eliana, Lulu's foster mother. - See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/lulu-needs-surgery/211863#sthash.3eOhCGCu.dpuf
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/lulu-needs-surgery/211863
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (for LuLu) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
8-5-14 Grace - cat with horrible face injury
We have just become aware of this cat in Clinton, KY that has a horrible facial injury and needs immediate medical attention. We are trying to raise funds to have assessed by vet to see if it can be saved or needs to be humanely euthanized. It would seem to be a miracle that this cat is still eating and drinking. She is going to vet Monday morning to see if she has a chance of surviving with treatment. For now vet has advised to give antibiotics and wash wound with salt water and that is being done by Abbey who is trying her best to save this poor kitty.
We named her Gracie and she is at vet on antibiotics and being treated for an abcess on her back, fleas, worms, etc. When she is stronger she will have surgery to do some repairs to her face. Most of her nose is gone. But she is eating well. It will never be normal, but she will be better. She tested negative or FELV/FIV. Vet feels this was due to an injury and she may have been living in this condition for some time. He does not think is is cancer.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/cat-with-horrible-face-injury/213040
Donations can be called into Reelfoot Animal Hospital, 402 West Reelfoot ave., Union City, TN. 731-885-1943
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (for Grace) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
8-5-14 Another black kitty - Hepatic Lipidosis PASSED
Another Black Kitty was admitted to the emergency vet on Saturday. He was diagnosed with Hepatic Lipidosis. This can be either a primary or secondary condition, whereby fat deposits in the liver. This is a very serious and life-threatening condition. The key to successful treatment is to get calories into him. He was treated with injections of Cerenia, Buprenex and Midazolam. He was also syringe fed and received IV fluids. However, Another Black Kitty stopped taking food by syringe at the emergency vet and so we brought him home to see if we could syringe feed him in a less stressful environment. If he does not start eating by tomorrow, we will have to take him back to the vet to have surgery to insert a feeding tube. Another Black Kitty's medical bills to date are $1,432.10. Earlier this year we applied for our 501c3 nonprofit status and are awaiting approval. Until we are approved, we are very limited as to what we can do to raise money to help the cats and sometimes dogs in our care.
PayPal: Newhopecrs@gmail.com
Mailing address: New Hope Cat Rescue PO Box 472 Kennedale, Texas 76060
8-7-14 Jesse - urinary blockage
Last week Cassie was admitted to an emergency hospital for a urinary blockage. Today Jessie was admitted for a urinary blockage. They're only two of the continual emergencies among SCOOP cats this year. Our emergency fund is exhausted and any assistance for these cats would be greatly appreciated! All donations are tax deductible.
PayPal: email@scoopcat.org
Mailing address: SCOOP P.O. Box 46624 Cincinnati OH 45246
8-8-14 BooBoo dog with luxating hip
Hello, My name is Boo Boo. People that know me say that I am a very handsome and sweet 5 year old pup. I have run into some unfortunate circumstances, I have a Luxating Hip, basically my hip pops out of place and causes me extreme amounts of pain. Even though I'm in pain I like to wag my tail, gives kisses and I loooove attention. My daddy unfortunately has health issues of his own and needs your help in order to make me feel better. The surgery that will help me is very expensive and my daddy cannot afford it. I tell daddy it will be ok and I lick his face to take away the tears but he is still worried about me. Please help my daddy so that I can feel better and we can be a happy family. Thank you! I promise to be a good boy!
Boo Boo's dad is disabled and needs help to pay for this surgery. I have seen this man cry like a baby for his dog. He loves him..please help him!
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/cfgpms
Mailing address: The Dollar Club (for BooBoo) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
8-9-14 Little Angel - abused kitty - kicked
We received a call from an emergency vet that a 16 year old cat had been brought in with an injured leg. The story was that a family member had "kicked" the cat because she pooped on the floor. The cat had been having diarrhea for TWO YEARS. The family member had a "hard day" and lost his temper and in trying to put the cat outdoors kicked her so she "slid across the floor and hit a chair". Now, the cat was going to need extensive surgery to repair a broken leg and even more extensive rehabilitation. OR, they could amputate the leg. The family signed Little Angel over to Animals in Distress as they could not afford the expense and we did not want her going back to them. The doctors agreed that at this point it would best for Little Angel to remove her leg, so they did all necessary blood work, x-rays and an ultra sound to check her intestines for IBD or cancer (due to all the diarrhea they said she had). They found a hematoma on her bladder, probably from the trauma she sustained. Little Angel was cleared for surgery and in she went to have her back leg removed. She did very well and that weekend went home with her new foster momma. She has been back to the ER/vet several times now to have her pain meds adjusted, get an appetite stimulant as she wasn't eating too well. Her hematocrit had dropped to 13. Normal is over 30. She needed the first of 2 transfusions. More tests were done to discover the underlying issue. Results will be back on Monday. We are trying to get Little Angel through the weekend to see if what is going on now is treatable. Little Angel’s bills have already exceeded $6000.00. We need help. IT IS HER OWNERS FAULT SHE SUSTAINED SUCH AN HORRIFIC INJURY THAT REQUIRED HER LEG TO BE AMPUTATED. She will not be returned to them and the state is looking into the matter. EVERY PENNY DONATED WILL GO TO HER CARE.
PayPal: http://animals-in-distress.com/
Mailing Address: Animals in Distress 238 Danbury Rd. Wilton CT 06897
8-11-14 - Dog hit by car, paralyzed and left for dead PASSED
I got a call from a trucker at a truck stop. He saw what he thought was a dead dog laying in the parking lot. As he walked by, he noticed she was breathing but not moving. He went in and asked what the closest town was. They told him Burns Flat so he called Town Hall and they directed him to me. I left work and ran out to check. When I pulled up, my heart sank... She could not now move her body at all. She looked at me with her beautiful pain filled eyes, begging for help…
I reached down and touched her face and her tail wagged. We rushed her to the vet. Every time I spoke, her tail wagged. She is covered in tons of bite marks... Her neck is swollen and here are too many to count. Here she was, laying in the heat on hot payment, unable to move. She is sedated and having her wounds cleaned. I will know more later....I'll need help with this poor baby. Please, if you can help with donations and after she is well (with prayers she recovers) a safe place to go. The saddest part?? She is full of milk, so there are babies somewhere. We will be searching after work we didn't see any at the time we got her. Please help if you can... She wants to live. I want to help her
PayPal: bfvfd_109@yahoo.com
Vet's office: Elk Creek clinic 1301 airport industrial Elk creek ok. 73624 (580)330-1459 or
Terry Lynn fisher PO box 578 Burns flat ok 73625 or
The Dollar Club (for Paralyzed dog) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
8-14-14 Eve - cat with emergency ectopic pregnancy
Eve needs life saving surgery! The vet discovered that Eve has an ectopic pregnancy, which means the kittens are in her intestines instead of her uterus. They have mummified and need to be removed along with a large portion of her intestines. The vet wanted to euthanize her, but the surgeon thinks he can perform the operation and save her life. We think she deserves every chance at life and are going to try the surgery. It will cost several hundred dollars. Please help save her life!
PayPal: Mary@kittcrusaders.com
Mailing Address: Kitt Crusaders 1038 S Robertson Blvd, Suite 1, Los Angeles, Ca 90035
8-20-14 Piggers - Stomatitis
My cat Piggers is ill and I am unable to come up with 2000.00 to pay to have all his teeth removed so I'm hoping maybe someone out there will have a good heart and help me help my baby. Even a $1.00 is a donation, he has seen several vets and they all say he needs his teeth removed and because I cannot afford the procedure, they put him on antibiotics and send him on his way. I'm tired of seeing him Suffering but surrender is not a decision I'm willing to make so I'm begging and pleading, please help.
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/d81b84 or thedollarclub@yahoo.com
Mailing address: Blue Cross Animal Hospital 3921 Main St. Amherst NY 14226 716-832-2800
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
8-22-14 Pierre cat with cleft pallet
Pierre was in sad shape when I found him under a bush beside my home. He had tons of gross mucus coming from his eyes and nose. His coat was horribly matted (burrs and mucus). He was starving. He smelled bad. He had fleas, ticks, worms. Didn't find out until 3rd vet visit he had a Cleft Palate-relatively small, they tell me. However, it has continued to wreak havoc for him. It's taken a long time to get him healthy enough for such surgery, as he had incidental sudden fur loss as well during this time, requiring steroids to attempt to treat it (allergy vs reaction to Vectra...still unknown). Many vet visits later, a neutering on 8/25, and about $2000.00 invested, I'm out of money. Pierre is a sweet sweet cat, but he's alot of work--he requires much cleanup every day because he sneezes out his food and mucus everywhere. Despite a 3rd course of antibiotics, which has helped settle the continuous infection down some, he is doomed to have this issue forever, unless he has his palate repaired. He's also at risk for pneumonias, which so far we've been able to avert. Not to mention his quality of life has been hampered by a continuous wet, irritated nose and eyes (mucus and food come out there too)...his breath is bad, his sense of smell is off, and oh to watch him eat--and breathe at the same time-it breaks my heart.
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
Mailing address: Allentown Animal Clinic 2640 Walbert Ave, Allentown, PA 18104