02-02-2-14 TailGate, Jada and Daisy
Yesterday we rescued three dogs that need YOUR help to deal with their medical emergencies. Each has it's own special story, but they all share a common thread in that you can help make a difference. Here are their stories:
Tailgate - this tiny little Pomeranian arrived at the shelter with a horribly broken leg requiring immediate medical care. We had to have her rushed by ambuvet to the emergency vet. Her xray confirms that there is a horrible break that will require surgery.
Jada - She is literally skin and bones weighing just 32 pounds. We've moved her to the vet where she needs a full medical workup to make sure there are no other hidden medical problems. Please help Jada get healthy so she can achieve her full size and weight and live a normal life.
Daisy - This sweet girl arrived at the shelter as a stray in healthy condition in mid January. Like so many others, she has gotten horribly sick in the shelter with severe pneumonia. We had her moved by ambuvet to a hospital for immediate care. She is in intensive care fighting for her life. Please help cover the costs so that Daisy gets the care she needs to get healthy.
PayPal: Pibblesrus33@gmail.com
Mailing Address: Pibbles & More Animal Rescue, Inc. P.O. Box 863998 Ridgewood NY 11386
02-08-14 Lois, Kitty with Stomatitis
Lois is part of a feral/stray colony that is being TNR'd and it was discovered that she has Stomatits. I can't imagine how painful this is for her and it's harder still to know that she has been battling this for such a long time. They did give her an antibiotic that lasts for 2 weeks, an anti-inflammatory for the swelling and pain and also a 3-day pain medicine as well. She had a chest x-ray to rule out a possible diaphragmatic hernia, which was fine, but on the x-ray it showed she had significant lung congestion, which makes sense now as to why her breathing is so labored and she wheezes so much. She was also tested for feline leukemia - that came back negative. They wanted to wait until the medicine has had time to work because at this point it was dangerous for her to be under anesthesia for too long. They did sedate her for a bit yesterday so they could examine her and clean her up and then did a reversal to bring her back out of it and she did just fine, so that's a positive sign as well. I am very relieved that she finally got some help.
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (For Lois) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
02-13-14 Henrietta Frozen Kitty
This is Henrietta. Henrietta was found crying for help frozen to water pipes on a farm in Wisconsin. A guardian angel reaching into trough water without another thought and threw water on this kitten's limbs to free her! She was attached by every limb in one way or another.
This small kitten was freed and brought to WVRC Racine where Pitter Patter learned of her story. It was either Pitter Patter taking responsibility for this little stray or euthanasia. No way was PPAR letting this kitten go. We claimed her as one of our own and proceeded to surgery due to frostbite that had set in to her rear leg. She was painful and the tissue was starting to decay. Without delay, she was in surgery. She is now in a foster home getting her rehab and doing well.
PayPal: pitterpatteranimalrescueinc@ymail.com
Mailing Address: Pitter Patter Animal Rescue 220 E. Lake St. Silver Lake, Wisconsin 53170