1/2/25 Billy - cat with multiple infections

To preface, Billy is getting all of the care he needs. Medically and at home, he is crashing with me ☺️ It's been a lot time at the vet, more recently urgent care. With expenses adding up. We need some help. The last two weekends have been spent at Urgent Care. Last Saturday was $600 - yesterday's bill is on the way. In addition, to the previous handful.He bounces back and forth, but his eye has progressively just gotten worse. Multiple meds everyday since 11/13. He now has a Deep Corneal Ulcer. and is still battling Calcivirus. And he has Stomatitis and will need a full mouth extraction. And more than likely he will have to go to the Opthalmologist. We have so many cats needing dental, a cat with a hernia issue, and the list goes on. No donation is too small. Every dollar makes a difference. You can also enter our raffle and I will be posting our New Merch shortly ☺️☺️☺️ And sharing is just as helpful THANK YOU ALL for always supporting!

Friends of Head Start Animal Rescue

Vet: Pennsauken Animal Hospital (856) 662-4450. Our account is Head Start Animal Rescue - this is under Billy

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Billy)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Billy)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Billy)
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Billy)
Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for Billy)

1/3/2025 Need help with hoard

Pawsome Rescue Project Inc. is feeling emotional. 🚨 DONATIONS NEEDED 🚨
Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/EBULR7H4VERO...
Today was hard. I got a call for help and I went without knowing how bad this situation was. I'll share some of the photos but I want you guys to focus on the babies being safe and in a clean warm place tonight. Out of respect for the dead, I'll hold my tongue. I didn't know her but she clearly had struggles and I'm just grateful to be part of the change for these sweet souls. I pulled 13 today (2 mama's with 4 babies each and 3 others).
If you would please consider donating to help me help these babies with their needs and vetting, it would mean alot. Godbless! Wishlist link in comments

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for hoard)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for hoard)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for hoard)
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for hoard)
Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for hoard)

1-7-25 Cody - cat with bad eye

The Dollar Club paid for this kitty to be seen which was thought to be just an eye infection. But it turns out that the eye needs removal and the cheapest vet is $650 so far. The owner is on a fixed income and has no way to come up with $650.00. We can probably do another $200 but thats it unless we can raise more.

1st vet was: Affordable Pet Vaccines & Clinic - 1-855-738-8227 (they cannot due enuncliation)

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Cody)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Cody)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Cody)
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Cody)Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for Cody)

1-16-25  Scar - cat hit by car

Hemet Ca. This family's cat got out and was hit by a car. He is about a year old and he does not need a rescue the family wants to keep him and promises he will be indoor only and never get out again but they need $2,300 to save him. He's at the vet office and I want to do surgery in the morning and it would need the balance paid by then and they are willing to take payments over the phone. 

Update as of Jan 16th at 9 am $1600 of the bill has been paid and $1,000 is still owed. Surgery absolutely has to be done this morning in order to save that skin on the jaw that needs to be reattached. Please can anybody call any donation into the Vet?

Vet: Animal Medical Center 951-654-4444 for Scar

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Scar)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Scar)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Scar)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Cody)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for Scar)

1-18-25  Chicken Little -  hospitalized

Forever Fortunate Felines
When we heard about an owner surrender needing urgent care, we weren’t expecting what came next. Typically we expect a respiratory infection, kidney problems, or just old age. Instead, we saw something we could’ve never prepared for. “Chicken Little” arrived an hour before animal controls intake timeframe closed yesterday. Given the condition she was in, the staff was worried she wouldn’t survive the night without immediate hospitalization. When everything was said and done, that gave Chicken Little just 30 minutes to be rescued, or she would be euthanized. It sounds shocking (and we were shocked too), but this girl had a fractured pelvis and her leg (now amputated) barely attached to her body. Thankfully, Chicken Little was able to be stabilized and an amputation occurred yesterday evening. She was given a one day euthanasia extension but needed out the next morning (today). Animal control simply does not have the staff or capabilities to provide the care this girl needed. Well, hopefully by now we’ve earned a reputation for taking on the rough cases (although would much prefer there to be NONE!), so we swooped in this morning and picked her up. She was transported immediately to a hospital, where she will stay until the vets determine she is healthy to be discharged. We are still in the process of learning all of her medical needs, but hospitalization alone is very pricey for a small rescue like ourselves! Any amount helps alleviate the pressure on us significantly. 

https://www.facebook.com/donate/2383319868727462 Or on our website at: www.foreverfortunatefelines.org/donateTHANK YOU! We will continue providing updates as we hear from the vets!

Vet: Oak Elm Animal Hospital 847-759-1440 Account name: Forever Fortunate Felines for  Chicken Little 

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Chicken Little)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Chicken Little)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Chicken Little)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Chicken Little)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for Chicken Little)

1-22-25  Needs help with food in Arkansas

Jackie Russell
Need help with Cat food. I'm feeding a colony at My apartment and local business. I took in kittens that can eat dry food and can food but one of My ferals came in with 2 babies plus herself and have 4 cats of My own. I need help with Cat food. I use gravy swirlers, Friskies seafood sensations, and Meow Mix original. I also use the Friskies 40 cans of wet food as well as I need 4 boxes of Multi Cat Double Duty. Some of the 20 cats that I could get pictures of that I feed at a local business and My apartment. Thank You! I really need the help. They have a little food and not enough to last them until tomorrow and mix the can food. They are eating a lot due to the cold and now they are searching the dumpster yesterday and almost got smashed. I closed the can down but it scared the cats that was looking for food and was going to feed them.

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for food)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for food)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for food)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for food)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for food)


1-24-25 Greyson - cat needs help with leg injury

Dawn FloydHelping feral cats

I have put this off a long time, but I have to ask for help at this point. This is Greyson. He came to us from the colony with a horrible leg wound. It was in the early summer and he had maggots in it along with leaves, dirt, and pink insulation. I vetted him and found out he is FIV+. We neutered him and kept him inside. Months and over $1500 later - we are still fighting to heal him. I live in Northeast Arkansas, and there is a lack of support here. Folks, he is an amazing cat. His personality is beyond wonderful and kind and loving. He has been through so much. There is no way he never had humans. It may have been early in his life, but he never lost trust. I just cannot let him down. My vet is taking donations for bill, if anyone can help. I am so sorry to ask. I just have no more options and this is our 3rd week of not affording our groceries due to paying his bill. I have reached out in other places, but not gotten any response, so this is my last resort. Again I am sorry to have to ask you all for help.

Vet: Southwest Drive Animal Clinic. 870-935-4012 (under Dawn Floyd for Greyson) 

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Greyson)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Greyson)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Greyson)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Greyson)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for Greson)

1-25-25 Cat colony in need of food

Hello. I am a retired senior living in Alaska on a fixed income. I take care of over 20 stray and feral cats. I socialize the ones that I can inside and find them a loving forever home. The others I Trap Neuter Return ( even though illegal in Alaska ) and provide food and housing. I also take care of their minor medical issues myself. On occasion I find lost cats at my feeding station and return them to their families. I've been doing this for 7 years and have saved many cats. Alaskan winter's are very hard on my cats. We receive over 100 inches of snow a year and several months of below zero temperatures. I do the best that I can for them. I am in desperate need of cat food and other cat rescue related items. Would you please look at my Amazon wishlist and help me if at all possible? Thank you very much.

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for food)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for food)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for food)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for food)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for food)

1-27-25 Pax - stray cat with an injury

Meet Pax...the kitty from Jeddo that's dripping blood from his leg. A call for help was placed last week, I was hoping there would be another resource available, but no one stepped up to help him. He was brought to me this afternoon and he's of course an unneutered male, and either has a festering bite wound or a bb wound(s) in his leg. He will also be headed to Trucksville Animal Hospital tomorrow morning 570 696 1146. We are going to need some help, I couldn't leave him out there to suffer. (Also, needs cat food)

Vet: Trucksville Animal Hospital 570-696-1146 under First Steps Animal Rescue

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Pax)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Pax)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Pax)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Pax)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for Pax)

1-28-25 two requests for food

I know it's a long shot but I was wondering if you knew a group in luzurne county that might help door dash me a small bag of cat food enough for 3 cats and litter to get me threw till Friday or Saturday when my ssi check comes in. I was just released from the hospital and my cats haven't had any food since yesterday I tried giving them some tuna but they will only eat dry cat food..I was hoping could find someone to lend me the money to order some myself but wasn't able to get any help. I would greatly appreciate any help. I'm located in Kingston pa

My husband passed away on Christmas morning and I found out that he had everything in his name and nothing in mine. Everything will go to his children and not me. Even the bank accounts do not have my name on themI have nothing and no where to turn. I only have one dog and one cat but can use help.

The dollar club did have a little food sent to each person today

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for food)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for food)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for food)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for food)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for food)

1-30-25 Willow - abandoned cat needs vet

you recently offered to help me with a young tuxedo kitty that was surrendered to me I was wondering if u still could. she has a follow up at Flint vet clinic in gasPort NY 716 772 6149 she is under medinas stray haven account. it's gonna be around 280 and we only have $70 towards it she was surrendered to me after being found in a basement extremely thin,dirty and had feces cemented to her. she went for one visit so far and unfortunately isn't doing to good still so they wanna do lab work and a few other things to see what's going on. any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not yet 501c3 registered so it's hard getting donations right now

Vet: Flint vet clinic 716 772 6149 she's under medinas stray haven for Willow

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Willow)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for willow)
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for willow)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for willow)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (for willow)