Little Gal has been found on the roadside, malnourished and w/ obvious old and new injuries. She is not walking on one leg and it is possible it may be broken. We are uncertain at this point if she has been hit by a vehicle or if her injuries are the results of abuse or fighting. The individuals who took her in are attempting to raise funds to have her vetted and helped by SWVAL. They are willing for foster. We are starting with a goal of $500. We cannot help Little Gal without your help. Please consider making a donation for Little Gal. You may donate via their GoFundMe at PayPal: Mailing Address The Dollar Club (For Little Gal) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
7-4-14 Shelter in danger of closing
My family and I are in dire need of financial help for our August rent. If we can't get the money together, mom will have to foster us out and move somewhere where we can't go. None of us want this to happen as we all love each other very much and some of my siblings have been with mom for 10 years. If you could all just donate $1 we could make this work. She starts a small part time, low pay job tomorrow and is hoping in the next month or two when season starts she will get something better.
PayPal: BlazingBlindTrails Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (For BBT) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
7-4-14 Augusto - eye injury needing emergency surgery
This is an urgent plea! We know this picture is graphic but we need to get the word out to help this poor baby. Augusto's foster contacted me this morning sending me a picture of his eye. I immediately made arrangements to get him to me and I started him on the round of drops and an antibiotic. He was due to have his eye removed on Tuesday but I feel he is very uncomfortable. I have him on a pain medication and was able to get in touch with Dr. Buck who is on vacation. She has agreed to come in first thing tomorrow morning to do the surgery. We need to raise approx $500 for this surgery by tomorrow morning. If you can help-even if it's just $5.00 please follow this link to donate:
Emergency!!!! I was contacted today by someone who has a puppy with parvo!!!! They can not afford to treat her. I have been giving her fluids, meds ect however she does not seem to be doing well... She needs to go to the vet asap!!!! Can anyone donate to help save her life???
PayPal: Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (Parvo Puppy) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
7-8-14 Rina - kitty with tumor in throat
After being rescued from the NYC Kill shelter, This incredibly sweet 4 year old began throwing up every time she ate. She was diagnosed with a tumor in her throat. The vet said she should be euthanized & we went to visit her. We did not see a sick cat at all. Instead, this wonderful cat came up to us and started head butting our hands and purring. And then, she got up on her hind legs to put her paws on our shoulder. Right then and there we knew we had to do everything we could to help save her. We can treat this tumor so it reduces in size but the procedure is expensive and she will need follow up care. Rina is a truly special cat and every time we look into her amazing face and see her will to live (and love) we know we have to do everything in our power to save save her. But first, we need your help.
We sent money to this one too but don't have a photo yet.
Melissa Davis: Hey guys, tigersden received a call for help with a cat that has a hematoma, the vet quoted a price of 399.00 for a procedure that consist of putting the cat under, lancing the pocket full of blood, and follow ups later, we do not have that on hand so we are asking for your help. Please consider donating a few dollars so we can get this pet in soon. donations can be made at or on our website at tigersden will be posting invoice and pics as we get them soon. thanks everyone.
I also just sent $100 to this group. Please read about them. What an awesome group of young kids trying to do their best with so little in an impoverished nation.
Guardians of The Voiceless is a beautiful camaraderie dedicated to stopping the suffering of voiceless, poor and needy. Located in Patiala, Punjab, India.
7-10-14 Heart & Soul Kitty Sanctuary
The board meeting this morning was a somber meeting. We all feel like we have come so far and remolded most of my home to be suitable to house many kitties and still doing it. we set budgets we have vets and people that help and yet we are just not making it. we are maxed out in credit and this is the first month that we are in danger of not being able to feed them. normally we might run low or out of moist food but they still have dry and will not go hungry cuz I will use meat from my own freezer to make them a meaty moist meal. we have so many kitties that are ready but cant be adopted cuz we don't have the funds to get them fixed and or order the vaccines for them. we are lost and do not know what to do. this is the first real threat that can ultimately shut us down. as of now we are not taking new kitties even if a spot opens up. we are returning the supplies for the outdoor enclosure since our contractor has not had a free day to do it yet he will pick them up tomorrow but will hold the deposit we paid him it is non refundable but it can be applied to work we hire him for so maybe in the future when we can we will be able to have it built then. we need to raise $265 for food and $170 to get 35 kitties vaccinated both here and at fosters. and almost $500 for vet bills. every penny of my money went to pay bills and feed and care for kitties and I did not even get one bill paid so personally I am short the board feels that this venture is over my head. if by some magical intervention we make it thru this hard time than we have decided to take few kitties on. bad for the community and bad for the kitties we cant take but in light of economic reasons it would not be fair to the ones we do have. it breaks my heart to have to say no we cant help but we can not run at this level. we just don't have the funds. and this month there is a real danger and we just do not know what to do.
Sweet Cupcake has been fighting a pretty bad upper respiratory infection due to feline herpes. Both of the inner lids of her eyes have swelled so bad that the vet is afraid that they will start to grow together. If that happens then she will need to have surgery to separate the inner lids. We are hoping to avoid all that by starting antibiotic shots and steroids. Of course to do this we need your help!
PayPal: Mailing address: Hopes Edge Animal Rescue 23685 S 219th Ct Queen Creek AZ, 85142
7-17-14 Center City Cats
We are a group of ladies on limited income who care for a long neglected cat colony. We have 14 cats to care for and have TNR'd 4 so far, but we have several to go. We need help to raise $500 for food and vet bills. We have 3 colony kittens right now that need immediate vetting as they have possible pink eye and URI. Our supplies have been depleted. At this point we are in dire need of canned and dry kibble, over the counter medications and money for vetting , as the kittens will have to to be spayed or neutered at our expense. The adult cats we can TNR and get neutered through The Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon.
PayPal: Mailing Address: Center Street Cats 3737 SW 117th Ave Unit 6, Beaverton, Oregon 97005
7-17-14 Paris - very sick kitty pulled from euthanasia list (PASSED)
I pulled this sweet baby girl from the shelter today after I got an urgent call saying she would be put to sleep at 5pm because she is sick and beyond what the shelter will treat. With a 104 temperature, sneezing, runny nose and drool, I took her to the vet hoping to save her life. She is currently being given fluids and antibiotics and an overnight at the vets. Please I am asking for donations. Anything will help! This little girl stole my heart and I hope we can save her so she can have a wonderful life with a family that loves her!
Paris has gone downhill again :( She is back in the hospital with a 106 fever. She is now on IV Fluids and oral meds are being continued. Please she really needs donations this vet bill is going to be $500 at the least
PayPal: Mailing address: The Dollar Club (for Paris) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
7-18-14 Sushi - very ill cat needs surgery
Sushi is a 3.5 year old foster cat who was born with PICA, an eating disorder that causes her to eat non food items. She also has OCD and severe asthma. She is in the emergency hospital and had life saving surgery yesterday, trying to recover. We desperately need help to pay her bill of almost 5000.00. Please help this poor sweet princess she is fighting to get better and come home! She is a happy and loving girl, I am her world, and she is mine. Please help bring Sushi home! - See more at:
PayPal: (Then type emergency hospital for Sushi (Julie Lafferty) Mailing address: The Dollar Club (for Sushi) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018 with
7-20-14 Chico - Tiny kitten with bad leg injury
A tiny 9 week old kitten, with a horribly infected leg wound, was languishing without decent medical care or any hope at the Brooklyn shelter. We have rescued him and have moved him to a vet where they can provide the medical care he needs. The leg is horribly infected all the way into the muscle and the bone. Sadly, the best treatment is to remove the leg as it has no hope of recovery. He is getting medicine to treat the infection and to control his fever. If all goes as planned, he will have the surgery on Monday. As everyone knows, surgeries are not cheap, but when we have an injured kitten, we need the quick response to deal with problems like these before they become worse. We need your help. Unanticipated medical bills like these have us stretched to the max cash wise. But there is no way that we can look at Chico and not get him the medical care he needs.
PayPal: Mailing Address: Pibbles & More Animal Rescue, Inc. PMAR P.O. Box 1903 Binghamton N.Y. 13902
7-29-14 Trucker - kitten thrown from truck
A truck driver saw a kitten been thrown out a car window and raced back to look for him. The kitten was a terrible mess. One of his legs had been torn from its little body, and his little face was covered in road rash. The truck driver looked for the missing limb, but it was nowhere to be found. The poor helpless kitten looked at the truck driver and meowed plaintively. The Good Samaritan knew he had to do something. The first animal hospital looked at the poor creature and suggested euthanasia, but the truck driver wasn’t ready to give up on this small kitten, clinging to life and looking at him with trusting eyes. The Kentucky Humane Society took charge of this poor animal and rushed to stabilize him at a local veterinary hospital. Once stable, the little three-month-old kitten, now named Trucker after the man who saved him, had the remainder of his leg amputated to prevent infection and aid in the healing process. Though purring and eating hungrily, Trucker could not stand on his own, and needed further x-rays and diagnostics to determine what else was going on. Trucker’s pelvis was broken. He continued to purr and to eat, and he even sat up. However, it appeared that Trucker could not control his bowel movements. On July 22, Trucker had surgery to remove the bowel obstruction. The operation went very well. He woke up from anesthesia hungry and happy, and he urinated in his litter box that afternoon. The veterinarian will keep him on medicines to help him potty. His blood work looks good, and the amputation site is healing nicely.
Update, July 25: Trucker is pottying on his own. We are still monitoring his elimination. He is eating well and getting massage therapy to keep the miscles in good condition. Trucker is alert and seems to be enjoying the attention.
Update, July 29: Trucker definitely has a healthy appetite. He is also standing on his own and is very interested in the people around him. A video of Trucker eating can be seen here.
Rescue family, we have 2 bottle baby kittens in critical care tonight at the ER after being attacked by their foster family's dog. They are in shock, aren't registering on a thermometer (very low temps) , have bite wounds and blood coming from nose and mouth. I am asking, No, Begging for help. Just like you , I struggle with daily bills and the expense of this rescue is becoming immense with the critical babies (Zuma and now these babies). I was quoted $2600 for the bottle babies care for 36 hours. We need to give them as much support as we can . They need X-rays , pain meds , antibiotics , fluids , bloodwork and critical care monitoring. Please please donate if you can spare even a few dollars will add up. Please help us save Jethro and Jonah. Extreme expense can cripple a rescue. And as always - prayers are free. Please pray. (Sadly, Jethro has passed)
I wanted to let you all know that I received a frantic call from a friend whose neighbors dog had bitten through an electrical wire and needed a vet ASAP! No money, so of course I offered $100.00.
Sadly, the doggy didn't make it. Not because of the electrocution, rather they discovered a liver shunt when they were looking him over. It was so bad, they was no saving him.
Obviously the owner is extremely distraught and all that is left to do is send good thoughts and prayers to both Pebbles and his mommy, Nancy.
But since this wasn't one of our usual 'features' I still wanted everyone to know that I sent money. I feel it is very important to be as transparent as possible with YOUR money.
7-30-14 Timber dog shot by neighbor
FRIENDS EMERGENCY!!!!! I can send $100 but he will need $152 more by 4 pm PCT TODAY or he will be euthanized!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! IMOM is currently raising funds for Timber Sanchez. Timber is an 11-month-old Chihuahua who was shot by a neighbor while in his own fenced-in yard because he was barking. The bullet shattered Timber’s leg and it must be amputated. Timber’s vet says if he does not have surgery tomorrow morning, he will have to be euthanized. We need to raise $252 in order to save Timber’s life.
Can you help with a donation of any size? Please go to ( to contribute. If you prefer to donate directly from your PayPal account, please use Be sure to mark all donations for Timber Sanchez.
You can read more about Timber at:
7-26-14 Kory - Dangerous pyometra