7-7-24 Sweetie sick stray mama

ANYTHING HELPS‼️ Seems like mom was dumped with her kitten Sunday night, found them both outside Monday morning. I have taken the kitten in since Monday. Mom sadly is in bad shape as you can see in the picture below and as the days go on she seems to be getting progressively worse. I’m sure this hot weather isn’t helping either. Her eyes and nose are very congested now, she’s limping seems her one leg is injured. She’s missing a patch of fur and is very skinny. I unfortunately can not take her in due to having my own cats and now the kitten. My apartment is small. I want to help her and take her to a vet ASAP, I’m afraid with out medical care she will end up dying in the streets and she doesn’t deserve that. I work part time, I can’t afford all the medical needs she may need. I’m asking for any donations anything helps! I will provide updates after she is taken to vet.  If anyone can also help me with getting the kitten adopted I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time! 🐈❤️

Vet: Rush Vet Urgent Care:  610-224-7874 for sweetie

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Sweetie)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Sweetie)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Sweetie)

Cash App: $RamonRuhf (for Sweetie)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for Sweetie)

7-9-24 Cat colony in need of food

Our cat colony in Schnecksville is in need of food.

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for cats)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for cats)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for cats)

Cash App: $RamonRuhf (for cats)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for cats)

7-11-24  Dude  old stray needs vetting

Would anyone be willing to sponsor this old soul for a trip to No Nonsense Neutering tomorrow...he's grossly matted and needs help...

Vet: No Nonsense Neutering 610-751-9455 (for Dude)

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Dude)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Dude)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Dude)

Cash App: $RamonRuhf (for Dude)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for Dude)

7-14-24  injured Stray cat 

Are there any organizations that can help this injured cat that has been hanging around my neighborhood in cranford? I am by Union county college. Cat is male and unneutered stray with a severe wound on the side of his face that looks to be infected. He is desperately in need of medical attention asap. I have been feeding him. I don’t believe he would be difficult to trap considering his current situation but I don’t have the capacity to trap and vet him. Any help would be greatly appreciated for this poor guy. It is heartbreaking to see an animal in this condition struggling. UPDATE: cat was trapped this morning and a very kind soul, Megan Elizabeth is taking him to vet right now. Thank you for all of your advice and offers to help.

Vet: Veterinary Emergency Group (908) 258-6406 (under Megan Elizabeth 289592794)

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for stray)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for stray)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for stray)

Cash App: $RamonRuhf (for stray)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for stray)

7-14-24 Cat food desperately needed

Rise Above Animal Rescue & Sanctuary: RAAR is in desperate need of cat/kitten canned food and/or monetary donations to purchase some. We are down to about 3 days worth of food left before we are totally out! We accept any brands / types of food. We are attaching our wishlists.

Thank you for your help and consideration! Pictured is adoptable, and very stunning Gretchen!

🐈‍⬛🐈 ❤️Wishlists❤️ 🐈🐈‍⬛
Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2DDNF13053XJ3...

Chewy: https://www.chewy.com/g/rise-above-animal-rescue_b65810274

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for food)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for food)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for food)

Cash App: $RamonRuhf (for food)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for food)

7-15-24 HUGE hoarder home help needed

All Fur Love Animal Rescue https://www.facebook.com/allfurloveanimalrescue
💔😿I’m not even sure where to begin… as soon as one emergency project is almost finished another presents itself…I've been made aware of an absolutely horrific situation. 40+ unsterilized adult cats belonging to an elderly woman. The back wall of her home has collapsed and the cats are all now outside and the house condemned. She goes when she can to feed but the suffering of these animals is immeasurable. Additionally, there are at least 2 dozen kittens all with URI and eye infections. I got our first 3 baby kittens today and thankfully our amazing Dr Anna was able to squeeze us in for emergency care. These precious ones were flea infested, anemic, dehydrated, and seriously malnourished. Three Dawn baths and an hour flea comb later and they are flea free and started on a course of antibiotics and eye ointment. You can see just how utterly exhausted these poor things are just trying to survive in this heat and compete for food with all the adults. The boys are eating on their own but the girl feels so crappy she doesn’t even have the strength and has to be syringe fed to regain her will to live. One of the awesome 4 Paws AH technicians took them home to foster so we can pull more. I'm hoping to help all 2 dozen kittens and then sterilize the adults but I CANNOT do this alone. This, this right here, this requires an army… I’ll be out there this morning at 9am, boots on the ground, to start pulling more babies but I need committed fosters to help. I can’t take care of all these teeny tinies and do all the TNR as well. It’s just too much for one person. Please, if you have a spare bathroom, bedroom, office and can house three or four kittens for three or four weeks you’ll be saving their lives. If I don’t pull them out, they will continue to suffer and die, plain and simple. If you can’t foster, please help us with cat and kitten food for these 65+ cats and kittens. We need funds for vetting. This project is going to be a very expensive endeavor. Sick kittens cost over $400 each to get ready for adoption. 24 X $400 = $9,600. Just for the kittens alone. Donations are gratefully accepted on our website AllFurLove.org or Venmo. If you can’t spare any funds please go through your linen closet and drop off softy fleece blankets or large clean towels at one of our donation drop off points. DM me for the address closest to you. We also need large kitten playpens for all the fosters who take babies for a few weeks. Animal rescue takes a village and I seriously need my village right now. Please, please help me help them. Please SHARE. We need as many people to help as possible. 😿💔



The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for hoard)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for hoard)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for hoard)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for hoard)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for hoard)

7-16-24 Pablo need emergency surgery

Meraki Animal Sanctuary
*Emergency Surgery Needed**
**Warning, graphic pictures at the end**
Friends, This is Pablo. Pablo is originally from Puerto Rico! Pablo needs emergency surgery to clear his bladder FULL of stones. Here is his story: Pablo was found on the streets of Puerto Rico by an acquaintance of one of our fosters. The acquaintance wanted to bring him back to the states, but had to get him fixed and vaccinated first. They found a place to do it, but something went wrong and Pablo suffered a hematoma later that night. Luckily our foster found an emergency center for Pablo to go to that fixed everything and he made a full recovery. He finally makes his way to the states only to start peeing blood everywhere in the house! After X-rays, it was found that his bladder was full of stones. If this goes without treatment, it can wind up killing Pablo. The surgery is going to cost around $2500. Pablo's "owner" decided he was just going to euthanize him- at just a year old, so he didn't have to deal with the big bill. Our foster asked if we could help. But we can only help if YOU can help us with this big bill. We have no money to put towards this because we have 20 kittens getting fixed and all our money is going towards that!
If we can raise this money by Tuesday, the date of his surgery, the owner is willing to surrender Pablo to us. Once Pablo has recovered, he will be adopted out to a loving home and never returned to the owner. We know this is a big ask, in a short amount of time. Please do what you can to help us save Pablo's life.

Vet: World of Animals Mayfair (215) 624-8433 Cats name is Pablo

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Pablo)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Pablo)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Pablo)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Pablo)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for Pablo)

7-16-24 Freddy stray cat with bone protruding from leg

Hello! I live in a wooded area in Bushkill Township and a VERY injured cat showed up at our house last night. I have called many different places and I have yet to find someone who can help the cat. is there any organization who can help this cat? it is hiding under our porch and I have food and water out for it. Thank you!  **UPDATE** 7-15-24  Trapper caught!!!  **UPDATE** 7-16-24
This cat is at Canyon River Run vet under the name Freddy. They believe he was attacked by an animal as he has wounds all over his body.

Vet:  Canyon River Run 908-213-1200 ask to donate for Freddy

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Freddy)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Freddy)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Freddy)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Freddy)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for Freddy)

7-23-24 Rose - kitten with mouth problem

I was asked to help a little kitten that I named Rose 🌹 unfortunately we're not sure what happened but she cannot close her mouth and seems to be missing part of her lips and her nose appears to almost be deformed. Her teeth and gum line are also deformed a little. It does not look natural but I'm not sure what happened. She is also missing a significant portion of her tongue. She cannot lap up water or food. We tried syringe feeding drop at a time on the back of the tongue and she did swallow a little bit but it caused a lot of stress and a lot of food to be caught in her infected areas. Tried tube feeding but she does have teeth and the fear of her biting the tube and ingesting it could outweigh the good. We made a mouth guard by cutting the tubing of an IV line, cut a small hole in it and her feeding tube fit perfectly. She's a little nervous at first but as soon as her tummy starts filling up she calms down. This has been a lifesaver through the night as she needs calories badly she's very skinny and has a long road ahead of her.  Little Rose only weighs 3/4 of a pound she's at least 7 or 8 weeks old, loves ear scratches and noggin kisses ❤️ and as long as Rose wants to fight this we fight this 😊🙏❤️🌹

Ozark Veterinary Clinic 334-774-5940 for Tails and Whiskers Inc

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Rose)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Rose)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Rose)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Rose)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for Rose)


7-30-24  Kitty with reaction to sutures

This young mama suffered a lethal allergic reaction to the suture material used in her spay. Emergency surgery is required to remove the toxic material. She was hospitalized due to hemorrhaging and infection. So far the cost to save her life is $973.42. Donations for her ongoing medical care are appreciated. Still sick. She is having a rough time of it.

Vet: Troutman Animal Hospital 704-878-9904 Account is under my name: Rose Beam

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for Rose)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Rose)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for Rose)

Cash App: $RamonaRuhf (for Rose)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for Rose)