A Shelter Friend Kalice was adopted and the woman and her grandson we so excited to welcome this sweet kitten into their home. Everything looked like a bright new future for an affectionate kitty. This wonderful future ended up being one of horror and pain as Kalice had to fight to stay alive. The family dog who had normally been ok with cats decided to make poor Kalice his dinner. The brand new owner did not abandon her, but drove her to the nearest emergency clinic an hour away. Due to the severity of Kalice’s injuries and the problem at home with the dog, the new owner decided that she would not be able to continue her care and relinquished ownership back to A Shelter Friend. She did pay a portion of the initial expenses and radiographs showed a “comminuted tibial fracture open fracture”. This is serious and very, extremely painful. The leg was splinted and she is on pain meds and antibiotics. We moved her back to Elizabethtown Veterinary Hospital tonight. She will need fracture repair surgery as her leg will need pins. We are so upset for this sweet girl and just cannot bear the thought of euthanasia or amputation . We need $1500 for her surgery and we just cannot afford to help this girl. We need your help! She is less than a year old. Hospital at 910-862-3000. Questions Call silvia 910-876-0539 Debbie 339-832-0806 or email bladenpets@yahoo.com
Paypal to: asf@intrstar.net Mailing Address: A Shelter Friend P.O. Box 2983 Elizabethtown, NC 28337
6-1-13 Sammie Kitten - shot
WE NEED 300 dollars to help this baby!!! This poor cat was brought to me after he had managed to get into someone's kitchen trying to get some help. He is only around 10 months to a year old, already neutered and has been SHOT destroying his elbow, an infection has set in at the entrance and exit wound. He is getting a topical and oral antibiotic. He is unable to straighten his leg at all now and can't walk on it. He will either have to limp around with it or our vet's suggested removing his leg at the shoulder. He is super skinny and looks to have been on his own for some time. He is quite the sweetheart throughout it all though, only wants to be loved on and held. I don’t have the funds to cover his vetting right now with an estimate of $300 for his surgery.
Hamilton, IL: UPDATE, Sammie had surgery today and although it was touch and go for a little while, he pulled thru and is doing as well as to be expected tonight. He is still in hospitalization, resting comfortable with pain meds and antibiotics. He is eating and drinking well. Thank you everyone for the kind words and support for this young man!! He truly has a few guardian angels looking out for him. Seeing him this eveing brought tears to my eyes, he is the most forgiving soul…..he was just most likely looking for help and someone shot him!!! Now he lost a leg and yet he still just wants you to love him! Heartbreaking!!!! He has certainly won my heart!
Please watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwC1QqB9d9g&feature=youtu.be (I hope you can here him purring!)
Paypal: westhancockk9@mchsi.com Mailing address is P. O. Box 288 Hamilton, IL 62341.
6-6-13 Dean Severe Neglect
Help us give Dean a chance! We rescued him this AM and his foster took him to an emergency hospital.
When Dean came into the ACC a few days ago he was in horrible shape. One of the worst cases we have seen of neglect. His eyes were sealed shut with puss, his face was covered in feces, even in his mouth! He was soaked in urine and was completely wet. And that's just on the outside. He was also dehydrated, anemic, emaciated and has a URI and an injury to his ear.
We are hoping this little guy can make it. Thank you to all our supporters who make rescues like this possible with your donations!
Anjellicle Cats Rescue PO Box 2084, Radio City Station New York, NY 10101-2084 http://chipin.anjelliclecats.org/donate/dean-sick-kitty-covered-in-feces/
6-7-13 Phoenix - burned kittens
This is little Phoenix.. a burn victim who survived! Mama cat had her babies in a brush pile which was unknowingly set on fire with the babies inside! Two sweet babies died & two survived. KKCR has taken over the care of little Phoenix who was burned the worst...the other survivor has been taken over by Shirley with Sparta Road Veterinary Clinic! Our wonderful foster Linda Wanamaker has taken Phoenix to foster and care for her! Little Phoenix was burned badly...her tail is missing, her sex organs and rectum are badly burned, both back legs all the way up, her spine is burned halfway up her body, both eyes badly burned, one eye damaged and her whiskers are burned off....STILL she has survived and has been soooo brave! Phoenix needs a lot of medical care & may need future surgeries! Please help us care for this little girl!
Here's the link to help: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/phoenix-burned-kitten/64362 Mailing Address: KKCR PO Box 914 McMinnville tn 37110
6-8-13 Phoenix - severe neglect UPDATE: SADLY - Phoenix has passed away
Phoenix's mother was adopted from a local shelter. She was never spayed, and she was bred in a home where animals are considered "fun" - its fun to allow them to have babies, but what isn't fun is when these innocent babies are flea infested, unable to eat, unable to see from infection and disease, covered in ringworm and worse, and they are left to suffer.
We don't know how old Phoenix is. He suffered from malnourishment for so long that the doctors can't tell. The owner states 3 months of age, but he is just 1 pound, the weight of a 4 week old kitten. Phoenix has FVR, very common in kittens, and it can cause upper respiratory infection, particularly when an animal is in a poor environment. Phoenix's FVR was left untreated and became severe pneumonia. He had discharge coming from his eyes and nose that eventually sealed his eyes closed. He then was left with no sight. His nose also sealed closed, making breathing difficult and causing him to lose interest in food because he could not smell. No one tried to nurse him to health or paid attention when he could not eat. He became more and more lethargic and dehydrated by the day. He could no longer walk and likely hadn't eaten in a week, but no one cared. His heart rate was 250 beats per minute and his temperature was extremely low. He was dying. Finally, on what was likely his last day, his owner made contact with a rescuer. After hours of questioning, the owner finally agreed to surrender Phoenix. Upon seeing his condition, Phoenix was immediately rushed to the hospital, where he has been since. It was shocking to see the state that he was in. This was not just a sick baby in need. This was a sick baby in need that people had watched suffer every day.
Phoenix has been hospitalized most of the week, and he likely will need to stay in the hospital a few more days. Phoenix's lungs are riddled with pneumonia and his body filled with infection, but he is still fighting. Phoenix's life has been one of daily suffering, but now he has a chance. An amazing family read Phoenix's story and fell in love, and a wonderful home is waiting for him when he gets better. Please help us to give this gift to Phoenix.
Donations can be made online at: http://www.apathwaytohope.org/how-can-you-help.html Mailing Address: A Pathway to Hope, PO Box 165, Hawthorne, NJ 07508.
6-10-13 Maxwell - kidnapped & abused cat
My cats name is Maxwell, he was taken and held captive for over thirty days. he had no food or water, the man who held him captive chopped his tail in four places with a shovel, and let his dog attack him. The people who had him where moving, the women who rented the house to the man told me she saw him in the basement, and let me go inside and get him, Animal Control says I can"t prove it was abuse, because I had no rights going inside the house and getting him, If I didn't get Maxwell when I did he would have died. I took him to the Vet he is a very sick baby, my vet took x-rays everything is on paper and pictures of him "Its very sad that someone can get away with this. Maxwells tail had to be amputated. Maxwells medical bill is $786.07 I'm not working right now and hate to have to ask but I need help paying for his treatment please if you can find it in your heart you can contact ( East Mill Plain Animal Hospital ) # 360 892-0032 Let them know its for Maxwell Tasca, I will post a update of Maxwell its not very pretty.
Mailing Address: VCA East Mill Plain Animal Hospital 416 NE 112th Ave Vancouver Wash 98684 (360)892-0032 Maxwell Tasca PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (mention it is for Maxwell)
6-10-13 Tony - horrible neck injury
He has a severe injury to his neck which is seriously infected. He will receive much needed vet care at Gomara Animal Clinic but your help is essential.
PayPal:http://www.petpartnersrescuehome.com/Donation.html Mailing Address: Pet Partners Rescue 9555 SW 42 Street Miami, FL 33165
6-10-13 Lisa snake/spider bite SADLY - PASSED AWAY
Lisa is a gorgeous kitty adopted from Pompano a week ago yesterday and returned with punctures on her face, dehydrated, covered in urine, and jaundiced. Was there volunteering and couldn't see her just be killed after all this so took her to the vet right away.
When doctor went to clean blood & pus off her face with gauze, her skin just crumbled away. Deciding on Lisa's behalf is extremely difficult, but for right now we have decided to take it day by day. She will have to be put under on a daily basis to have her wounds cleaned, flushed, and ointment applied. She is on fluids, antibiotics, and pain management. From the looks of it, the rest of the skin under her nose will likely die and fall off. This I accept. If this is snake or spider venom causing the tissue death, it could continue to spread. If it continues to spread, I will not allow Lisa suffer any further. But our hopes are that she will be able to heal. She is not eating on her own or using a litter box, but she took food from the syringe tonight pretty well. While she was under tonight, the veterinarian showed me the extent of her injuries. The "punctures" could either be teethmarks or holes where abscesses have ruptured. Is alarming how far back the holes go, there is a huge pocket that needs to be flushed. She is truly heartbreaking and I hope that we are making the right decision by letting it go on for another day in hopes she can heal. We are documenting her wounds on a daily basis with pictures, but unfortunately the photos are so graphic I cannot post them here. This is so far beyond a couple of bite marks on her face. I spent a lot of time giving Lisa attention this evening and making her feel loved. We have a foster an adopter that want to bring this girl home. Healing thoughts for Lisa.
Good Karma Pet Rescue PO Box 480273, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33348 Paypal: info@goodkarmapetrescue.org
6-12-13 Cotton - Kitty hit by carUPDATE - Sadly, Cotton has passed away
Cotton was found in the pouring rain, inside a crushed cardboard box. He was soaking wet and had been hit by a car! Cotton is now at Perkiomen Animal Hospital and needs $1500-$2200 of vet work to repair his injuries.
He has a badly broken leg but the vets feel that it can be repaired with the use of a pin. Complicating his care are multiple contusions to his body and his lungs. He also has head trauma.
Happily he seems to be recovering from the initial shock and dehydration of his horrible accident. He is now eating on his own and deserves a chance to have a wonderful life!
Mailing Address: The Cat Shack, Inc. P.O. Box 950 Trexlertown, PA 18087 Electronic Donations: http://www.gofundme.com/38xie8
6-13-13 Hope Abused Dog
We have a situation here in Las Vegas about a little terrier dog getting beat daily & abused. My friend, a fellow independent rescuer will have the opportunity to get the dog from this monster. My friend is overloaded with rescue animals, as am I. I have arranged & paid for boarding for this little dog at our vet for 5 days along with vaccinations. But this little dog will need sterilized & a leg injury tended to, along with who knows what else he has endured at this hell hole. She has been an independent rescuer for years, she has many abused rescued dogs & cats & just cannot take on or pay for any more. Her name is Christ Mitchell. Her vet is Civic Center Pet Clinic in Las Vegas. (702) 675-8602 Donations can be made to her account via credit card & calling the vet, just tell them it is for Chris Mitchell. Thank you so much for helping her.
Mailing address: The Dollar Club P.O. box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018 PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com Mention that it is for Hope the abused dog in LV
6-14-13 Brighton Abcess
For Animals, Inc. was contacted to help with a temporary foster for Brighton until long term placement could be found. The morning a volunteer picked him up, a small puddle of blood was discovered in his cage so he was brought immediately to the vet. Brighton's injury did not seem so bad at first, just a small wound. But as the vet cleaned away the damaged tissue it turned out to be far worse than anyone could have imagined. Brighton has a 4-5 inch open wound at the base of his tail. There was not enough tissue to close the wound so it will have to heal open. He received an antibiotic injection and pain is being managed.
Please consider helping For Animals offset the costs of helping Brighton by making a donation to his fundraiser: https://www.youcaring.com/brightons-bumbum-booboo
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com Mailing Address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018 (mention that it is for Brighton)
Davey was one of 4 foster kittens I was taking care of. After he went to his new foster home it was discovered that not only did he have an intestinal infection that was making him very ill, but they also discovered a Peritoneal-pericardial diaphragmatic hernia. Basically what that means is all of his organs are in his chest cavity and not where they should be. It is a serious birth defect and surgery is required or he will die. He is currently hospitalized and will have surgery as soon as he is strong enough. His sister Skye is with him as she also has the virus. Luckily she does not have the condition that requires surgery. We need to raise money fast. Anything you can help with is appreciated.
PayPal: The dollarclub@yahoo.com Mailing Address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018 Mention that it is for Davey
6-17-13 Sammy Hit by car and left to suffer for 2 days A man called to tell me he witnessed someone hit a cat yesterday morning. The person who hit the cat, put him in a towel and left him on the sidewalk. The guy calling me, kept on going as well. Came back by the sidewalk later that night, checked on the cat. He was still laying there bloody, unable to move and in pain. Left him there again. Went by there again this morning on his way to work and the cat was still there and still alive. He finally called me and, after giving me the wrong directions twice, I finally found this poor cat in the same spot he was left. He was at death door. Someone left him a bowl of water a few feet away but he couldn't move to reach it. He was just sitting there panting and covered in dried up blood. We rushed him to our vet and here is the prognosis. His front left leg is in a permanent curled up position from an old injury. His face is severely swollen. His left eye just can't be saved. His right eye is filled with blood from the trauma. We have no idea if he will regain any sight. He does see a little bit of light at this time. Only time will tell. He has blood coming out of his right eye, his nose and his mouth. He is so dehydrated that his skin won't go back in place when you do the hydration test at all. Several x-rays of his back and skull did indicate that, somehow, he doesn't have any broken bones. However, we don't know if he will regain use of his tongue and the skin on his lower jaw has retracted toward his neck because of the swelling. He is going to stay in intensive care at the clinic until he is stable. He is on fluids with B12 as well as pain meds and something for the inflammation and the swelling. Just for today, the bill is already around $300. That doesn't include the hospital stay or anything else he will need IF he survives this. Please help. PayPal Address: froggyscatrescue@comcast.net Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
6-22-13 Lucky - puppy attacked by another animal Lucky was brought into our vet today. (June 14, 2013) He is a sweet puppy who is only about 6 months old. He is a sweet min pin mix who was attacked by another animal. He has neck wounds, broken ribs, shoulder dislocation, punctured lung and may need a leg amputated. We need to raise funds ASAP to help this poor angel. Can you help?
PayPal: info@purrsfromtheheart.org Mailing: Purrs From The Heart 2524 S 8th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546
6-22-13 Destiny - kitten hit by car
This evening Destiny came to the rescue in need of URGENT medical care. She is 8 to 10 weeks old and has several obvious injuries. She is in need of a full check up, x-rays and probably surgery to survive. She appears to have been struck by something, I have no idea what. Possibly a car. Her jaw is out of line and she isn't able to use her back legs. When she arrived, we assessed her because our vet was already closed. She came in scared and trembling and we have been able to get her stabilized and as comfortable as possible. She is showing a VERY strong will to survive.................VET UPDATE: she has a broken pelvis and jaw. Combo test negative, treatment being started!
PayPal: ScruffysAsylum@charter.net (if that link doesn't work use thedollarclub@yahoo.com) Mailing address: Scruffy's Asylum. 79095 Honeysuckle Estates Loop, Covington, La 70435