Scout is a severely emaciated 2 year old pit bull mix. He was brought in to the NYC ACC a few days ago as a stray. He weighs a pitiful 29 pounds and should be 75 pounds!! He is a victim of the worst possible type of abuse. He was starved and forced to live in his own waste. He was covered in his own urine and feces when he arrived at the shelter. He has open sores and ulcers all over his body from urine burns. He can barely stand or walk because he is so weak. He walks lifting his paws because it is so painful. He often falls while trying to walk and his jaw hits the ground. Scout was so hungry upon arriving at our vet, he ate his own waste!! Scout is fighting for his life!! Please help!
PayPal: Mailing address: Scout c/o The Dollar Club P.O.Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
6-3-15 Charley - seriously injured horse
Sending out a SOS!!! Our beloved Charlie sustained serious injuries today. Emergency Medical treatment was necessary. He has injuries to his back hind leg, chest, and facial trauma. It is unclear how he was injured. We hope to have answers in the next day or too. Due to his age and degree of injuries, prognoses is guarded at this point. Today's vet bill is $611. We need help to cover Charlie's treatment. Please consider sending AHRE a donation specifically for Charlie's vet expense. You may remember Charlie from January's Eugene auction. He was extremely emaciated and it was uncertain he he would make it. Shortly into his rehabilitation he developed Habronemiasis. He recovered beautifully and has put on weight. Charlie recently received a sponsorship and became AHRE's first permanent youth mentoring horse. Last week Charlie to a youth for a short ride, behaving himself like a true gentleman.
6-11-15 Jaime's Legacy $26.00 towards TNR 6-12-15 Taming Gracie Vet Bills $100 6-16-15 Joanne's Community Cats (Taming Gracie/Denise Vignola) $99 for medical bills for TNR'd cats 6-15-15 $160.04 Petsmart cat food for feral colonies 6-16-15 $50 towards saving 2 cats from death row 6-23-15 Puffy Paws $100 toward electric bill 6-25-15 5th Avenue Hospital $320.21 Emergency vet visit for Rookie 6-30-15 South Towne Vet Stomatitis surgery for Ralphie (Kellers Kats)