3/3/2013 Lindey Dog thrown off an overpassMissouri German Shepherd Rescue
Landed in the snow. Good thing or she'd be dead. Fortunately there was a horse show at the arena ... several people were outside and saw it. They said "she came FLYING off that overpass" -- in other words she didn't climb up and over, she didn't jump over the railing. 99% likelihood she was THROWN off the overpass. Plus she's skinny (tho not emaciated) and shows signs of having been abused by a man. She was in shock. Some blood in her stomach and some compression in her lung. But by Friday mid-day she seemed to be doing well and those things seemed to be settling down. She needs to rest for a week or so to make sure there are no further repercussions in those areas. Biggest issue: vet says she did a "three-point landing" - held out her two front legs and landed on the backside of both front paws and her jaw.
1. 3-4 fractured teeth that need to come out
2. amazingly not a single broken bone (god bless the snow)
3. THE BIG ONE: totally messed up tendons in left front paw.
4. also some similar damage in right front paw, but much less severe
Vet says she needs a "pan carpal arthrodesis" - fusing the carpal or ankle into a fixed position. Approx $3,300. Follow up care is 4 months or so, with frequent trips to vet for checkups and xrays and splint changes. With followup care we're probably looking at $4,000. Plus she needs 4 teeth out and basic vetting (spay, shots, etc). Another $500 or so? She may also need the arthrodesis on the other leg but that's unknown at this time. If so, it's another $3,300. Dr. Rob says he's seen it happen that tendons can heal without surgery sometimes. We won't know anything more until Dr. Rob sees her mid-this coming week.
If you can donate MOGS does have a paypal link:
Missouri Gerrman Shepherd Rescue
PO Box 22466
Kansas City, MO 64113
All help is appreciated in help with this sweet sweet girl! Am told Lindey is very sweet, though a little standoffish for the time being. Shows signs of being abused - warms up quickly to women, more leary of men.
3/4/13 Maxie Stomatitis
She was adopted out in 2010 by the Northeast Animal Rescue of Philadelphia. It has come to their attention that she was not being cared for properly and was returned. It turns out Maxie has been suffering from severe stomatitis and NAR is unsure for how long. Maxie will return to NAR the weekend of March 1. Once she is back in NAR's care, Maxie will be evaluated, fully vetted and her teeth will be removed. NAR needs help paying for her surgery. Any amount is greatly appreciated and tax-deductable (bonus!). We hope you will open your heart and wallet to help this precious kitty.
Donations can be set to:
Northeast Animal Rescue PO Box 52395 Philadelphia Pa 19115
Chip-in: http://www.gofundme.com/25fxbkay
PayPal can be found here: http://nar.rescuegroups.org/
About Stomatitis
Stomatitis is a markedly painful syndrome in which the gums and mouth become severely inflamed. The cat's immune system plays a role in most cases of stomatitis. In these cases, the cat's immune system begins to reject teeth in the mouth.
Some cases of stomatitis can be successfully managed with medications. However, the most effective treatment for stomatitis in most instances is extraction of large numbers of teeth. Although extracting the majority (or, in some cases all) of the teeth in the mouth seems at first to be a very unsavory option, most cats with stomatitis show significant improvement in well-being after the procedure. Many are completely cured. Others suffer residual inflammation, and require medication even after removal of teeth.
3/5/13 Duke - Blind Horse
Here is Duke , a 30 year old rescued Quarter Horse who is almost completely blind. He has only one eye, and that one has a cataract. We would like to be able to get him a vet visit as he fell a few days ago and his back still seems sore. A vet visit will run around $100 to $150. We don't have the extra funds, as hay is very expensive this time of year, and donations are down. Thank you from the horses !
Our address is South Jersey Horse Rescue, 5745 Pleasant Mills Road, Weekstown NJ 08215
PayPal address is southjerseyhorserescue@comcast.net

3/7/13 Gunnar
SPRING LAKE, NC....We were
contacted early Wednesday to see if we would take a pitbull that was in
critical condition that had been picked up the night before. The dog had
been mutilated by someone with a Samurai Sword. We sent someone
immediately to pick up the dog in North
Carolina that had been in an ER facility for the night. Gunnar was
transferred to the ER facility that we thought would be best able to
give him the best possible chance. I had received pictures of the dog
but the pictures did not do justice to just how horrific the injuries
were that sweet Gunnar endured. I spoke to the AC officer and the
Detective that had investigated and seen the dog to see exactly what had
happened and what they were doing about arresting the person that did
this. Apparently on Sunday, a woman had been locked out of her house in
Spring Lake. She saw a man walk by and asked if if she could use his
phone. He said he didn’t have a phone and he walked away. A little while
later, he returned with a phone for her to use and also a sword. The
man commented that he was tired of dogs running around his neighborhood
and was going to take care of it. The woman got in her house and then
came back outside. She heard animals screaming and realized the man was
attacking the dogs. Two of the dogs got back over the fence where they
came from and Gunnar was too injured to get away. It appears the person
tried to sever the ears off Gunnar and missed and sliced off a huge
chunk from his ear to his left eye. He then proceeded to stab and slash
at the dog and tried to remove his right rear leg. The injuries are
unimaginable. The owner found his dog on Sunday and thought he had been
hit by a car until the girl told him what had happened to his dog. The
owner did not get medical treatment for Gunnar. Tuesday night he called
Animal Control to come and get his dog and told them what happened.
Animal Control and the Sheriff’s Office are working with local law
officials to get an arrest warrant for the person that did this. Gunnar
is in critical care for his injuries. His wounds are large gaping holes
and slashes. Yesterday he was sedated for most of the day getting his
wounds cleaned and debrided and to access his injuries. Later today, if
he is stable enough, surgery will be done on his rear leg. What is this
world coming to that it is okay for a man to walk down the street with a
deadly weapon that could almost remove someone’s head. The authorities
have assured me this person will be charged with a felony for the abuse
he caused. We will post as we learn more information. Right now, we need
to focus on saving our sweet boy and turning his life around.
Please, help us help him by donating. We are a 501c3 and all donations are tax deductible.
PayPal NoahsArksRescue@mac.com
Noahs Ark Rescue
4084 Spring Island
Okatie, SC 29909

3/8/13 Neko and Ivory
We are featuring 2 kitties as one case because they both came into the same group about the same time and they are both emergencies.
IVORY the cat that was thrown out of a car window. He has a fractured pelvis, many abrasions that need stitches and a severely broken tail that must be amputated. His pelvis will need a metal plate. (The first of 3 surgeries has been done).
NEKO was rushed to our vet today just a few hours after we rushed Ivory there in terrible condition. He has one of the worst cases of mange they have ever seen! He is severely malnourished and dehydrated weighing only 6 lbs. Brought to the vet JUST in the nick of time, the poor kitty is now being treated and with the proper medical attention should be just fine! We will provide Neko with the love and care he needs until he is healthy, happy and in a loving forever home!
Stray Cat Alliance
PO Box 661277
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Paypal: fixthosekitties@aol.com
3/13/13 Aubrey Ruptured eye
Rescued from animal control. The vet said the missing eye is due to an injury. The eyeball ruptured and just pieces left. The other eye is so scarred due to injury that at one point the iris came right thru a hole in the eye. She is completely blind. Sad for a 10 week old pup. But she'll be Loved & Cared for till I can find a home for her.
A Place To Bark
P.O. Box 649 Protland, TN 37148
On-line donations: http://www.aplacetobark.com/donations
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Place-To-Bark/113927345333985
3/14/13 Charlie Severe allergy
Charlie needs your help! Charlie was abandoned with four other cats in a cage at a local business, shortly after Furry Friends took him in as a foster, we observed that his skin around his eyes kept getting more and more inflamed. He finally started scratching himself to the point where he was ripping his skin. Our vets began treating him for food allergies. Charlie was placed on an over the counter hypo-allergenic food and he received depo shots to control the inflammation. Over the Christmas holidays, he had a severe reaction to an apparent ingredient change in his food. We have been battling to get his allergic reaction under control since then. He is now on a Royal Canin hypo-allergenic food, he has received a variety of treatments to control his adverse food reaction including treatment for a topical yeast infection, Convenia antibiotic shots, depo shots and dips. We have also altered his treatment regimen out of concern that the repeated depo shots would eventually cause diabetes. In late January, he began receiving daily doses of Atopica which is a medication which is used to treat feline skin allergies. There are signs that Charlie is finally turning the corner and responding favorably to this regimen. Furry Friend’s vet costs to date are approximately $600. Charlie’s ongoing monthly, maintenance costs will be $80 for a 17.6 lb bag of dry food, $65 for a case of canned food. After the first month of daily doses of will be reduced to every other day and hopefully then to twice a week, a 5 ml bottle Atopica costs $45.
Furry Friends Rescue Center 2775 Ranger Rd. Clover, SC 29710
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/Help-For-Charlie-/45657
3/17/13 Buddy - Corneal Ulcers
This is Buddy the English mastiff who is a classic BFDR train wreck. Buddy came in emaciated, bald with skin issues and serious eye issues. As it turns out, Buddy was basically blind and the corneal ulcers were excruciating. We didn't have time to fundraise as Buddy had to have surgery now. So we fixed it.
In surgery, we fixed entropian eyelids in both eyes upper and lower, repaired corneal ulcers and surprise - the ligaments around his eyes had to be repaired which we had no idea was an issue. Buddy looks awful, but he can see and he's not in pain. BFDR sadly cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel as we just got nailed with a $6500 vet bill today. I am hyperventilating to some extent because this means we will not be taking in any dogs for 2 weeks while we pay for all this and that means dogs will die because we say no.
Fans, it is train wreck March. In fifteen short days, we have had Tabitha, 11 heartworm treatments, 2 ACL surgeries, and countless other things not worth mentioning. March has certainly come in like a lion. I can only hope it goes out like a lamb.
We do not want to say no, so we are asking for help to deal with these cases so we can continue to rescue dogs in need. If you would like to donate to help us with some of these guys, you can do so here:
PayPal: http://bigfluffydogs.com/pay-online.php.
Vet Address: Animal House Vet Clinic, 223 Largo Dr, Nashville, TN 37211.
Web-page: http://www.bigfluffydogs.com/
3/18/13 Hope - Severely Neglected Dog
Hope has just one question ....WHY did my caretacker do this to me ?
Her name is Hope and it just doesn’t get sadder this !!!
We took a wrong turn down the wrong street and we of course drive up on a dog….just laying there, not really moving …of course chained up !Her chain is so heavy she couldn’t even lift her head up to drink or eat her food…finally we just slipped the chain of her neck and as skinny as she is it was not difficult at all…so we could feed her and let her drink…on top of everything ..she has horrible injuries on her legs (looks a few weeks old) And what do we do from here ???Well …we did exactly someone should vet done a LONG time ago…The ER vet says on a scale from 1 to 10 as far as neglected dogs go…she is a 11…enough said !!!She is being treated at the ER clinic and charges will be filed on Monday..We cannot just stand by and let this go on !!!. Please say a prayer for Hope
Watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgssHSrsoJw&feature=youtu.be
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/Lets-give-Hope-a-real-hope-for-a-better-life/47599
Address: Carmen's Rescue 108 Webbington Place Simpsonville SC 29681
3/21/13 Animal Shelter Fire
The Christian County Animal Shelter in Hopkinsville, KY suffered a devastating fire yesterday. No animals were lost but they have to find temporary or permanent homes for 70 dogs and 50 cats. Check their facebook page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Christian-County-Animal-Shelter/214216555270170 A lot of people have been out there to help with fostering, clean up and donations of blankets food etc.
If you'd like to make a donation, you can send a check to:
Christian County Animal Shelter
515 Weber St.
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
There is no PayPal address for them, but if you want to send it to my account, I will gladly cash it out and forward it as a check. (But please be aware, it is from my personal account and I am not a 501c3).
Ramona29@rcn.com - please be sure to mark it as a donation for the shelter fire
Also, I will be talking to the bank today to see about setting up an acount for The Dollar Club for situations like this or for people who want to send their dollars in a lump sum to be distributed by us. Will have more info later.
3/25/13 Freckles - Starved, dragged by car and tossed in dumpster
Freckles was found when Animal Control was called to come and check out an animal that was heard moaning in a trash dumpster. The best we can piece together based on FRECKLES injuries is that someone dragged him behind a vehicle for quite a long distance after having starved him! On one side of his body on his rear leg, the skin has literally been rubbed off from constant friction. That same leg has part of a bone that has also been dragged so much that it has gone into the bone itself. This poor dogs feet, belly & knuckles have all been worn down from constant friction. How Freckles is still with us is a Miracle all by itself. An x-ray determined sweet Freckles had a stomach full of coins. Surgery was done to remove the coins and put a feeding tube in. Freckles is in Critical Care and will remain here for as long as it takes to get him over this. He is being monitored in ICU 24 hours a day with the best possible doctors and veterinary technicians around. He could not be in better hands. We will do updates every day on his progress and sometimes twice a day since he is so critical. Pray for our little boy so he can survive this and finally learn what love truly is. We need every penny we can get to save Freckles. Since he is in Intensive Care and will be for quite a while, his medical bills are going to be exorbitant, If you can’t donate this time, please, send to all your animal loving friends and then say a Prayer in his honor.
Noah's Ark Rescue 4084 Spring Island Okatie, SC 29909
PayPal and update page: http://www.noahs-arks.net/RESCUE/FRECKLES.html
3/25/13 Holly - hit by car
Holly was hit by a car on Union Hill Road in Manalapan, NJ. A Good Samaritan picked her up and she is currently in one of our foster homes. She has a broken arm and is in a cast, but otherwise healthy. She is scheduled for surgery at North Star Veterinary Hospital under the name of Dr. Orzell, a HAL volunteer and her foster mommy. Her surgery is estimated to be around $2,000. If you can help us in any way with this expense, we would be very grateful!
Via PayPal.com - Send donation to email address RescueHAL@aol.com
Via Postal Service - HAL, PO Box 237, Manalapan, NJ 07726
Please earmark your donation "HOLLY"
We are an all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit organization. Most expenses are paid for out of the pockets of volunteers. We truly appreciate your help. Thank you for sharing Holly's story!