3-6-25 Cat food needed

Hey everyone! My name is Sue and I live in Sedalia MO. I am currently feeding a colony of 10-15 feral kitties. I could really use some help getting them food. I have had 5 more show up in the past few months and one recently had a litter of kittens 😔 they are becoming too much for me to afford. I have contacted a local food bank for cats and still trying to get set up with it. They would be grateful if anyone can help with food. Here's my Amazon list  

I have been working with a local rescue, we have TNR'd around 8 of them, but more keep showing up and the rescue that I'm working with is actually out of funding at the moment, so I am searching for help to try to stop them from breeding. I have contacted other rescues, and I'm truly doing the very best I can to try to help them... But it is just getting overwhelming very quickly! I get every cat that I can into a rescue somewhere in our state, but most of them are feral and not adoptable, I have reached out to local rescues I am trying my best to find help, but I am struggling with food for them in the meantime

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub for sue
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 for sue
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com for sue
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf for sue

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf for sue

3-7-25 Colony in need of bins

TriState Noah Project: We just purchased 6 of the smaller 5 gallon totes at @$13 ea because ours were taken from every stop. We cannot replace them all right now but have cats who only come out at night and need to keep their food dry so are only placing at stops with no cover.
Right is 1 of many examples of where we’ve put shelters and they’re removed the next day (along with any bowls or bins) but the trash is still there. This is the 3rd set of shelters in 4 days and it’s happening at several stops. As long as we have inclimate weather we will continue because homeless cats are using them to stay warm.We’re more concerned with doing what we feel is morally right vs following ordinances that would allow a homeless cat to freeze. Thank you to Christi & David McAfee for your patience and help with the shelters.**We need to add that the city said they are not targeting cat shelters. 👌🏼We are In communication with the city and are hopefulul we can find a temporary solution to get he through the remainder of winter weather.

WIsh List  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2OCRNK2DQVLK4?ref_=wl_share&fbclid=IwY2xjawI3_edleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHfL2TihLTMe2H97KhqNj4vYNtuy_DGPR2YRFBMRejEyqoTDnu0ryRMP-kw_aem_kp4ZdvpiaIzISw5snZ0z3w

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub for bins
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 for bins
Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com for bins
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf for bins

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf for bins