We are helping Daphne AGAIN this month.
04-19-14 Daphne Kitten who fell on her head at 3 weeks old
Our sweet little Daphne, the little 3 week old baby we just took in, just took a fall and she is not doing well. She is being taken to Maricopa Animal Hospital, but our funds are completely depleted and they will not see her until we get enough donations calls directly into the vet. PLEASE help us help her, we are absolutely distraught over this. The phone # to the vet is 520-568-2224 and it will be under Daphne/Hope's Edge. Please please please share and donate if you can, we need to save this poor sweet angel and we need your help to do so!!!!
********Update 4/15 - This morning we woke up and her head is swelling with a fluid like gap on top. Not sure where the fluid in her brain is coming from but she will be heading over to Maricopa animal hospital shortly... Please keep daphne in your prayers... And please if you can donate now. See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/sweet-baby-daphne-s-medical-fund-please-help-us-help-her-/165469#sthash.uFhktJz1.dpuf
PayPal: hopesedgeanimalrescue@gmail.com
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (for Daphne) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
We are helping Miley AGAIN this month
4-25-14 Miley Kitten with severe ear infection
Miley the Slurpee Cup Kitten! Miley was rescued by an animal control after they were alerted to a kitten with a Slurpee cup stuck to her head! Miley was transferred to our organization today! She's about 5 months old and has one more obstacle to overcome. She has a severe, painful polyp in her ear and requires emergency surgery, as well as her spay. She has already visited our vet at 4 Paws Animal Hospital and received a full check-up. Please consider making an emergency donation so that Miley can have her surgery ASAP and feel better!!
PayPal: http://www.halrescue.org/ and click the gold "donate" button
Mailing Address: HAL, PO Box 237, Manalapan, NJ 07726. 
SAMANTHA - 7lb Terrier with broken jaw (PASSED AWAY)
SAMANTHA - 7lb Terrier with broken jaw. This girl seems a little older, and we have no clue how long her jaw has been injured. She needs to see a vet ASAP, but we need help with covering her vetting bills..
PayPal: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/3lMnd/ab/61Dqe0
Venture, Dog chained
Hi, My name is Venture and I am only 3 months old. I have been chained to a tree for almost my entire life. My days were so lonely and the nights so scary and cold. I was so hungry and thirsty. I had to carry a heavy chain around my neck.It weighed two times more than me.I cough alot now. UnChain NY (facebook.com/unchainny) rescued me from this deplorable life, but the nice lady told me I have to see someone called the vet. She promoised it would be OK.I have an abcess in my mouth and it hurts, but I have a pill I take hidden in a yummy hot dog chunks shhh.I know it is there but the lady gets happy when I take it so I just go with it.I am a little worried the lady says once I gain some weight I need to get an opertation to be neutered.but she explained only one of my privates, my testicles, descended and they will have to work a little harder to neuter me.
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/8yv3gs
5-2-14 PheeBee - Manx Tail Syndrome
Pheebee knows how difficult it is for her shelter mom to beg for help to transport her to Best Friends in Utah so she is asking you PLEASE HELP. It will be expensive by this small home sanctuary's standards to pay for gas, food and motel to transport her. If she can not go it will mean euthanasia as her incontinence has be come a health hazard for the others at the sanctuary. She has a driver but no funds for the trip. Please help. Contact the sanctuary for information (509) 624-0092
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for Pheebee)
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (for PheeBee) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
05-22-14 Earl - stomatitis
Please help Earl, I found a lump on Earls side and the vet said she would need to remove it soon. She is also going to combine the surgery to help with his Feline Stomatitis that he's been dealing with for five years, the surgery will cost 696.00. They won't let me make payments, and coming up with this sum of money is hard, seeing as I myself am waiting for a knee replacement surgery. Please pray for Earl, and share this post. Earl has stood by me through thick and thin, and he's been a trooper through all his illness and pain. If you private message me your information I'll send you the money back with a note of how Earl is doing post surgery. I am also on PayPal now at Lameelove@yahoo.com. Thanks everybody
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/91lbeg or Lameelove@yahoo.com
Mailing: The Dollar Club (for Earl) P.O. box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
5-22-14 Damien - stomatits
Damien again is in need. He was sent to the N Phoenix Spay and Neuter Clinic a few months back to have all his teeth removed because of stomatitis. However, they only removed three teeth. He now has another infection in his mouth and has not gained an oz of weight from the last time. He needs all his teeth pulled now and the vet will not allow us to make payments.
Kitts Kitten Rescue
PayPal: kpagliaro62@gmail.com
Mailing address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018 (For Damien)
5-29-14 Claire - Tooth abcesses/stomatitis
I have had Claire since I was 8 years old and she is a huge and incredible part of my family. I cannot imagine life without her and do not want to. Claire has always had an issue with abcessed teeth and this issue has found us once again. Claire has had this procedure done twice before and I am still paying for the 1000$ vet bill for the last surgery. I cannot afford this procedure on my own. I am a nursing student, with a part time substitute teaching job and need all the help I can get. Claire is my baby and my life. Please help me and Claire out! If I cannot afford the surgery I will have to resort the last option, which is something I cannot even fathom. Even if you cannot donate spreading the word is sufficient enough! The procedure is being done at North hills veterinarian clinic by Dr. Bagget. Their phone number is 7759725566 if you have a any questions about the validity of this fundraiser. Thank you and bless your hearts. Briana Nickelson-Claire Bear Nickelson
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/9818f8
Mailing address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018 (For Claire)
5-29-14 Dandy - attacked by another dog
Dandy was severely attacked by another dog in his back yard. Dandy was left with severe injuries especially to his right, front leg which was degloved from the knee to the paw. This means he was left with only bone, no skin, no tissue, no muscle was left. Dandy is recovering from multiple bite wounds, some down to the bone. We could not let him down, we could not let him perish. We need your help to continue raising funds to cover Dandy's growing medical costs. The Vet clinic currently caring for Dandy has been volunteering hours, medical care and surgery time to help keep Dandy on the right track as the dollar amount is steep due to the high-level of care he needs. 4 surgeons donated their time to work on Dandy at his most crucial juncture and only charged us for supplies and ER time but not their services. WOW!! Thank you to everyone helping us continue this life-altering work.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/dollars-for-dandy/182754
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018 (For Dandy)