May 1st Snickerdoodle - Stomatitis
My former feral baby has Stomatitis and needs major surgery to have ALL his teeth removed! He's not even 1 year old!
I'm on disaility so I cannot work. There's no way I can afford this sugery on my own. I've found a doctor I trust, at the low cost clinic at Orlando Pet Alliance, where I volunteer. Stomatitis is an autoimmune disease that affects the mouth and causes increased pain, as the body basically rejects all of their teeth. It comes on slowly and causes more and more pain as their gums turn bright red. Eventually, small painful holes form as the teeth deteriorate. Complete extraction is the only permemant solution. There are medications he can take in the meantime but they are only "stop-gap" short-term measures. The longer we wait, the more pain Snick will experience and the harder it will be for him to recover and adjust. So I simply cannot delay any longer! Please help Snickerdoodle so he can live the healthiest, happiest life possible.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/snickerdoodle-s-surgery-fund/313140#.VVH-suojeI4.facebook
Vet:: Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando vet clinic 407-351-7722
Lisa got the injured cat tonight. With lots of patience and some help from his caretaker, she was able to catch him. He is now safe and sound in a large cage. He will be going to our clinic tomorrow. Lisa is paying for his care but will benefit from our discount there. If you'd like to help pay for his care (and possibly surgery to re-attach the hanging skin), please send donations via paypal to froggyscatrescue@comcast.net with a comment stating "for the injured cat". You can do the same thing on this page with a credit/debit card if you don't have a paypal account. http://www.froggyscatrescue.com/pages/donate. Froggy's Cat Rescue is donating the first $50. 5-12-15
Nicholas Pet Haven