10–3-13 Ginky - Kitten with broken femur

Ginky is 6 months old and has sustained a serious injury to his leg. He has a broken femur and he needs expensive surgery. His mom has been trying everything to raise the money to save him.  Unfortunately, we are very low on funds and are working to pay off a huge bill for vet care and spay/neuter from the beginning of the year. The price for Ginky's surgery was quoted as $1700.00. We are getting a second opinion, but orthopedic surgery is expensive.

Note that your donation is for Ginky and that it comes from a member of The Dollar Club.
PayPal: www.nokilllv.org
Mailing: No Kill LV P.O. Box 4272 Bethlehem Pa 18018

10-3-13 Angel - dog intentionally hit by car
A young female pitbull was hit by a car and possibly dragged near her home. The bone in her rear leg was protruding through the skin so it was off to the vet for her. She is a young girl... about 3... and it looks like her right front leg and shoulder are also broken, possibly her pelvis, all of the skin is missing from the underside of her tail, and she gas bad road rash on her belly.  This girl needs us urgently.  (See their facebook page for a lengthy update)

PayPal: eaglesdenrescue@live.com
Mailing: Eagle’s Den Rescue 1453 Campbell Road Clarkton, NC 28433

10-04-13 Franklin - tiny kitten hit by car

Tiny Franklin was hit by a car!  Hehad a severe degloving injury that has been stitched closed, but he has a SEVERELY twisted leg as you can see in this picture, and it is very swollen!!! Too swollen in fact to even xray at this point.  He was given a shot for pain and antibiotics for infection, he has to go back in a few days once the swelling goes down to re evaluate and see what we can do with him. He is very sweet and deserves to live! Donations are going to be needed to provide the necessary care and treatments he will need to help him make a full recovery. He has a long road ahead of him..

PayPal: anotherchancepetrescue@netzero.net
Mailing: Another Chance Pet Rescue, Inc. P.O. Box 67962 Rochester, NY 14617

10-10-13 Lacey - Beaten, abused and abandoned

This is Lacey. She is a sweet puggle. She was adopted out of AWSOM in February 2012 but was found by a good Samaritan yesterday, Tied to a tree in Wind Gap. She was hungry, thirsty and shaking. Lacey originally left the shelter on Phenobarbatol for Seizures. She is just 4 years old. We are suspect that she was beaten as she has bruises and hematoma's all over her, She is riddled in Fleas and severe bruising around her rear end and tail. Her ears are both infected and both of her eyes are swollen. She is on her way to the vet now.

Paypal:  info@awsomanimals.org
Mailing: AWSOM Godfrey Ridge Drive Stroudsburg, PA 18360
10-11-13 Lucky - Tiny kitten with dislocated shoulder and intestinal problems

He was found alone the day he was born w/the sac still attached to him on a friends porch. His formula is too rich for him and has been changed and is being closely monitored. His shoulder is dislocated and he isn't pooping on his own at all. He will need further diagnostic testing to make sure his intestines are ok and he doesn't have any birth defects. He is being fed every 4 hours and kept on a heating pad. We need lots of prayers because we are not giving up on him. For more on his story, read here: https://www.facebook.com/luckysjourney/posts/1379011865656916

PayPal: livluvlaugh_75@yahoo.com OR  http://www.gofundme.com/4qiyng
Mailing address: Donate to the care of Lucky under Harmony Sizemore
Bel Air Veterinary Hospital 1501 South Tollgate Rd Bel Air, MD 21015 Phone: (410) 838-4900 http://www.belairvet.com/

10-12-13 Pookie - Kitten with a slit throat

This kitten was seen at a Miami animal shelter and was rescued and taken to a vet.  It was discovered that someone tried to slit his throat.  He is doing better now but needs funds to help pay the bill and keep his treatment going.

PayPal: cgonz122@fiu.edu
Mailing:address (THIS IS A VET OFFICE so please write that it is for Pookie under Claudia Gonzalez account) The Pet Doctor 5183 S University Dr, Davie, FL 33328 Claudia Gonzalez

10-12-13 Little Dude Max - very sick puppy

Little dude max was stolen as a puppy and found 5 months later. Suffering from an ear infection, skin infection/dermatitis, flea and tape worm infestation, kennel cough and missing 3/4 of his hair!  The kennel Cough developed into pneumonia and he was rushed to Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty Emergency Clinic  where he was immediately admitted into Intensive Care! He was given IV fluids and antibiotics, and Oxygen tubes were stitched into his nose and head, after he got a tracheal wash! Our poor baby was literally fighting for his life! We had just gotten him back after all these months of worrying, we were heart sick worrying about him all night.  Just two night in intensive care cost close $3,000! Plus he needs follow up X-rays, blood work, meds, etc to ensure his recovery.  We will do everything to save this boy.

PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/we-need-your-support-to-save-lives-/57323
Mailing address: AATO, PO Box #97890, Pittsburgh, PA 15227
10-16-13 Butterball - cat beaten with a bat

Butterball appears to have been beaten by a baseball bat.  She is  hanging on but actually looks a little worse. Some of the swelling in her brain and ruptured eye has gone down but the crushed and broken bones in her head has caused infection and more swelling. Because her jaw is broken she still has to be syringe fed every day. However, despite the beating she took at the hands of a human she is still just so sweet. She likes being petted and will stand to rub against your hand as you pet her. She truly is precious!

PayPal: http://www.catatrium.com/
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (For Butterball) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018

10-23-13 Ivy - severely neglected kitten Located in England  (Beloved Ivy has passed away)

Ivy had a very poor start in life, which saw her mother and litter mates pass away due to severe neglect. Because of severe scarring and wounds around her ears and tail, we have reason to believe that they have been tampered with - either for aesthetic purposes or through cruelty.  Ivy, sadly, is failing to thrive as it is at the moment, and has been moved to foster care in the hopes that very intensive care will help this girl blossom. She is likely to need a lot of medicinal help and veterinary care in the coming weeks and months. Little Ivy has been to see the vet and been given a checkup and a jab to assist with getting over the cold she has, after some examination of ears and tail its thought she has ischemic necrosis,  this is, Necrosis caused by hypoxia resulting from local deprivation of blood supply. it can be caused by a few things but the vet is inclined to believe its from thermal or chemical burns.
As a result of this once Ivy is 100% assured free of the cold she has and is settled down she will need BOTH ears cutting and the dead flesh removing and the tip of her tail will have to be amputated

PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (state that it is for Ivy)
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (IVY) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
10-24-13 Texas Siamese Rescue - desperately need funds to remain open

The original founder died 2 summers ago, leaving 200+ cats, unpaid bills/tax returns behind. A huge MESS to sort out but we did. Paid everything we could, one by one; reduced the cat population by 50%; caught up on medical needs, became a cage-free facility. The new directors even went as far as selling their mobile home, moved INTO the rescue, so to use the proceeds of the sale to fund operations, feed cats & keep the dream alive. But - then we found out about the secret 2nd mortgage. The founder had borrowed against the property; owing $244k on it. So, we scrambled again, sending what we could to the private lender in NY who holds the deed. A year ago, he made us an offer: raise $40k of the $244k by year's end, & he'd forgive/write off the rest; we would own TXSR free & clear. Working our collective butts off  we got to work. By Dec. 2012, we still had a long way to go. The lender generously gave us 1 more year. But ONLY 1 more. it's all due by this Dec. 31st or we hand the place over Jan.1, 2014. NO exceptions. We've since raised a LOT more; but still need 8k or so - in 2 months! Otherwise, we'll have to clear off belongings & people immediately (and 2 wonderful women will be homeless). Animal control no doubt will be next to arrive, to "take care of the rest" - we simply don't have enough places to move 100+ kittens & cats. The thought of their fate at the local pound is unbearable; these are cats we've promised a new life to, grown to love (some of them have been with us for many years), each of them with their own quirks & personalities & adored as if they were our personal pets.  2 months til deadline & no more extensions. Looking back, any sane person would've probably tossed in the towel & said "forget it!" 2 years ago. Each day brought another new crisis to fix/deal with/pay for. We've cut all the corners we can financially. We continue fundraising. even when donations seem scarce. Because a promise is a promise & every cat here deserves to have that promise kept. That's why all of us stayed.

PayPal: http://tx.siameserescue.org/TXdonate.php
Mailing Address: 1123 N. Corinth St. Corinth TX 76208

10-25-13 Sweet Pea - kitten with severe respiratory problem

This is Sweet Pea. She is a Miami Dade Animal Services foster baby, only 6 weeks old. She needs critical care that the shelter is not able to provide. She is in an oxygen chamber now and is battling severe bacterial or aspiration pneumonia as well as coccidia. Her tiny body is overwhelmed, but she's fighting for her life. She continues to receive oxygen treatment as well as antibiotics. All funds have been exhausted.

Donations can also be made directly to Hollywood Animal Hospital 954-920-3556 Kitten Name: Sweet Pea Client Name:Julia Cazacu   OR...

PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/4wer7s
Mailing address: The Dollar Club (Sweet Pea) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018